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, Children’s orthodontics – brace your child for straighter teeth. 

Children’s orthodontics - brace your child for straighter teeth.  - Dentist Surrey

Braces are a great way to boost your child’s confidence about their appearance and improve their oral health. At our Sync Dental Centres in Surrey and London we have a range of specialist treatments dedicated to correcting orthodontic issues in young teeth.

It’s preferable to sort out unruly teeth as early as possible because it is far easier to realign teeth at a younger age. Also, getting teeth straightening over and done with early means one less thing for youngsters to worry about as they grow up. But no matter how much you reassure them of the benefits of braces and tell them how much they’ll appreciate having a straighter smile when they’re all grown up, your child may still be worried.

Orthodontic treatments

At Sync Dental Centre we offer private orthodontic treatment to children, and thankfully we have an exceptional team of dental professionals to reassure them along their orthodontic journey with us. The dental treatment can include more discreet options like ceramic braces or clear aligners, such as Invisalign Teen. These are a brilliant choice for more image-conscious teenagers.

Fixed braces

Although fixed braces are visible, the orthodontic market has moved on dramatically, and the brackets are much smaller than they used to be. Children can choose colourful elastics, which can look really cool.

Fixed braces can correct complex orthodontic issues. They also offer very predictable results and can help improve the bite, chewing ability and speech. Treatment times can vary between patients, but results are usually achieved within 12-24 months.

Having straighter teeth also means your child will be able to maintain better oral health after treatment as it’s easier to brush and floss straighter teeth.

, Children’s orthodontics – brace your child for straighter teeth. 

Invisalign Teen®

What is Invisalign Teen?

Invisalign Teen® is the young person’s own version of the innovative Invisalign® system – a discreet, yet highly effective way to straighten teeth that avoids the need for traditional metal braces with wires and brackets. Instead, the tooth straightening takes place more subtly with a series of tailor-made clear aligners. Your teenager simply wears a different plastic aligner every few weeks to shift their teeth into place.

The Invisalign Teen system comprises:

  • Invisalign Teen – the world’s most advanced clear aligner.
  • Keeps your teenager smiling with confidence with near invisible braces.
  • Digital imageing – so you can see how your smile will look before treatment begins.
  • SmartTrack material, clinically proven to safely control teeth movement.
  • Vivera retainers supplied after treatment.

Is Invisalign Teen as effective as traditional braces?

Invisalign Teen® can also treat severe cases such as underbites, overbites, overcrowding and gaps in teeth. However, your teen will need to be good and wear the aligners for the advised 20-22 hours per day for them to be the most effective. Each Invisalign Teen® aligner has handy blue indicators that fade over time when used as directed, so the orthodontist can keep an eye on how often they are being worn.

, Children’s orthodontics – brace your child for straighter teeth. What are the advantages of Invisalign Teen?

One of the main advantages is the lack of wires and brackets. Also as the aligners can be taken out, your teenager can keep their teeth nice and clean. This means they can indulge in plenty of brushing and flossing leading to great oral hygiene, which can be decidedly trickier to achieve with traditional braces.

Active teens can get sporty without fear of getting a painful smack in the mouth with a ball and musical types can get to grips with wind instruments without braces impeding their playing. Hungry youngsters will be delighted to learn they can eat whatever they want as they take the aligners out to eat and drink.

If your teen happens to lose things frequently, Invisalign Teen® understands this and usually offers patients six replacement aligners for free. As there are no wires that need adjusting, fewer check-ups will be required, which can be a real help if you are a busy parent with little time to spare for lots of orthodontic appointments.

Above all, the invisibility of Invisalign Teen® offers a welcome boost to their confidence whilst they are on their orthodontic journey.

To discover more about Invisalign Teen or any of our private orthodontic options for your child, you can contact us here. We are more than happy to provide a consultation to see what the best treatment option is for their needs.


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