The need to have dental braces fitted is not something that most people would hope for. The idea of a highly visible set of wires and braces showing when you smile may even lead to some people deciding not to have them fitted at all, and simply put up with crooked teeth instead.
This is not a good idea, and not just for long term aesthetic reasons either.
Crooked teeth are likely to become even more so if not straightened. In addition to this, uneven teeth are much more difficult to keep clean and are more likely to lead to problems such as tooth decay and gum disease.
It is not all ‘bad news’ for those with crooked teeth though. At the Sync Dental Centres in Addlestone, we are able to provide a solution that ticks all the right boxes.
Say hello to Invisalign!
Invisalign orthodontics are not ‘braces’ in the conventional sense, avoiding the use of wires and brackets altogether. Whilst conventional braces use metal wiring, there are other cosmetic orthodontics that use a similar system, but replace the metal wires and brackets with finer tooth coloured materials, helping them to be more discreet. Invisalign orthodontics though, go one step further.
Say goodbye to wire and bracket braces
Instead of using wires and brackets, Invisalign uses medical grade transparent plastic to produce a series of trays which are designed to fit directly over the patient’s teeth. These are produced following scans, and each tray is designed to progressively move your teeth towards their final desired position. Each tray is worn for a week or two and is then removed and replaced by the next in the series. This continues until your teeth are correctly aligned. We will, of course, be available to monitor your progress and make any adjustment deemed necessary during the course of your treatment.
What are the main benefits of this method?
The most obvious benefit of this system, and the one that immediately appeals to most people, is their discretion. With no wires or brackets, and a thin transparent tray instead, these are almost invisible to the naked eye. Those close to you may notice them, but for general use, most people won’t notice at all. As they have to be worn for between 20 and 22 hours each day, this is good news indeed.
It isn’t just the discretion factor that makes these such a great choice though. The fact that the trays are custom made for each individual patient ensures that they are a comfortable fit. Naturally, you may find that they feel a little strange at first, but, within a short period of time, most patients find them to be quite comfortable.
One of the most convenient aspects of this orthodontic system is the fact that the trays can be removed by the patient, without the need of dental assistance. Indeed, they are designed to do just this. Whilst conventional dental brace wearers have to negotiate the potentially tricky problem of eating certain foods, Invisalign wearers have no such problem; indeed, Invisalign trays are meant to be removed when you eat a meal. This means that you can eat anything that you choose to, and you don’t have to suffer any potential social embarrassment when dining with friends or colleagues. You simply remove the trays, eat your meal, and then put them back in. You should try to rinse the trays and your mouth to avoid trapping food, but we will discuss this aspect in a later blog in more detail.
Oral hygiene
In addition to removing the trays for eating, you should also remove them to brush and floss your teeth every day. Without the use of wires and brackets there is already a reduction in the risk of decay from trapped food. With the ability to remove the trays to clean your teeth, this risk negligible.
Other occasions for removal
It is important to remember that you should not abuse the ability to remove the trays yourself. If they are removed too often or for too long, this will inevitably lengthen the whole treatment process. You should, ideally, only remove them for eating and when cleaning your teeth.
There may however, be the odd occasion where you feel that you would be more comfortable not wearing them. Occasions such as an important interview, perhaps a media appearance or even a first date, may mean that you prefer to remove the appliance temporarily. You can remove the trays for these purposes, but we would encourage our Addlestone patients to use their discretion and only do so where they feel it to be absolutely necessary.
Uneven teeth are not only often unsightly and potentially more likely to lead to dental problems, but are also now completely unnecessary. With the use of modern orthodontic systems such as Invisalign, it is now possible to have a great looking even smile without the worry about the visibility of wearing dental braces.
If you would like to discover what we can do to correct your crooked smile, why not give the Sync Dental Centres a call today on 01932 856541 to arrange your FREE consultation now.
Dr Mani Virdee – GDC 64872