This will be our last blog post before Xmas so we thought that we would use it to look forward to the year ahead, and especially for patients of the Sync Dental Centres who may be considering some improvements to their smile in 2020.
Each and every one of our patients is an individual, and you will need to have a consultation with us so that we can put forward an effective treatment plan for your new smile. Some patients may need just one step whilst others might need several.
With that in mind, here’s a typical route to a full smile makeover from a relatively unhealthy mouth in our four step guide:
A healthy mouth
For all the improvements that we can help you with to make your smile more attractive, these mean little unless your mouth is in good health. There is no point in having a beautiful white smile if your gums are sore and inflamed for example.
The first step is to have a thorough oral health check to make sure that no decay is present. Where it is, restoration will be necessary, possibly using our tooth coloured fillings or a dental crown. You will also need to see the hygienist who can clean your teeth and remove hardened tartar from them, along with your gums. Once this has been done and we are satisfied with your oral health, your cosmetic dental treatment can start.
Teeth straightening
With your teeth and gums in good health, we can start to work on improving the way that they look. One of the more challenging problems is to straighten out any teeth that have become crooked. We say challenging as this treatment takes time as forcing a tooth to move too quickly could cause not only discomfort, but damage too.
At the Sync Dental Centres in Addlestone we predominantly use two types of orthodontics to straighten teeth. Invisalign, which uses a series of trays as opposed to wires and brackets, is an excellent and discreet system which is generally used for more extensive straightening.
We also use the Six Month Smiles system. This is used where mainly cosmetic changes are needed such as minor misalignment or overlapping of the visible front teeth. Both of these systems are excellent and we will discuss your options during your initial consultation with us.
Teeth replacement
The chances are that if you have lost any of your more visible teeth, you will probably be wearing dentures now. Where the tooth is not visible, you may simply have left the gap. Neither of these solutions are ideal as dentures can be uncomfortable and unstable for some and a gap means that the bone in that area will degrade, potentially causing small changes to the shape of your face.
Dental implants offer a real alternative to dentures and bridges and act as close to a natural tooth as is currently possible. The fact that the titanium implant is placed into the bone means that not only does this prevent bone resorption, but also provides an extremely stable and strong base to which an artificial tooth (a crown) can be attached.
Dental implants do require a minor invasive treatment but also provide you with an excellent natural tooth substitute that should last for 20 years or more if you look after it. If you are interested but perhaps deterred by the procedure, please talk to us about it so that you can make an informed choice.
The finishing touches
With your mouth in good health, your crooked teeth straightened and any missing teeth replaced with dental implants, it is finally time for the finishing touches to your brand new smile. This is also an excellent treatment in its own right and can be used by most people who are happy with their teeth in general.
The most commonly used cosmetic procedure for this stage is the teeth whitening procedure. This non-invasive treatment can whiten your teeth by several shades, leaving you with a greatly improved smile. At the Sync Dental Centres, we offer two methods, both equally as good as each other. One can be done in around one hour at the clinic whilst the other offers the opportunity to manage the procedure at home. The final decision will come down to your own preferences and we are happy to discuss each of these options with you during your consultation.
It should be noted that artificial restorations such as crowns, implants, veneers and white fillings can’t be whitened by the process and we will discuss this with you if you are in this situation.
So there you have it; a four step guide to a brand new and improved smile in 2020! Of course each person is unique and so every treatment plan we create will be tailored to your specific needs. This could be a simple teeth whitening procedure, right through to a full smile re-design as discussed above.
With this, our last blog of 2019, we will leave you with best wishes for a happy and peaceful Christmas and a Happy New Year from all at the Sync Dental Centres!