Wisdom teeth are a bit of a throwback, they probably assisted our ancient ancestors to get stuck into chewy vegetation. However, modern-day humans don’t have to chew for hours on tricky plant matter to get all their essential nutrients.
These age-old teeth are, however, still firmly on the scene. Usually making an appearance in young adulthood between 17-25 years, and when they arrive, they often prove to be unwelcome visitors. By then, the other 28 adult teeth are usually in place, and there is little room for the teeth to emerge properly. Our contemporary jaws are generally too small to accommodate these extra teeth.
This means the wisdom teeth can get a little stuck as they struggle to get out and can become impacted. They can become wedged at an awkward angle, either fully impacted under the gum or partially impacted so a bit of tooth peeks through. Impacted wisdom teeth can remain in position and may not need removing, but in some cases troublesome bacteria can form around the tooth and start causing all kinds of dental problems such as decay, gum disease, soreness, abscess, and infection. If this happens, you may have to start giving your wisdom teeth a little TLC and make an appointment with us at Sync Dental Centres.
If you are in pain with your wisdom teeth, there are a few tips to help you through the pain whilst you are waiting to see your dentist.
Take a whole clove and place it in your mouth specifically in the place causing the most pain. Keep the clove in your mouth until you feel a numbing sensation. If easier, another option is to use clove oil: Dab a little clove oil onto a cotton bud and brush it gently over your sore gums.
Sore Mouth Rinse
If your mouth is sore, you can mix a teaspoon of salt in a cup of warm water and stir to dissolve. Swish this around your mouth for about 30 to 60 seconds before spitting it out. Repeat this as necessary throughout the day.
Pain Killers
Anti-inflammatory medicine is useful in helping to numb the pain from your teeth and to help you get on with your day.
An anti-bacterial mouthwash, which contains chlorhexidine, could also help to alleviate the inflammation.
According to the NHS the removal of wisdom teeth (or third molars) is one of the most common surgical procedures carried out in the UK.
However, far fewer wisdom teeth are now being taken out than in the past. If the tooth is not causing any issues, then your dentist will usually just leave it alone. However, you should make an appointment to see us if the wisdom teeth are causing any pain or discomfort.
If there is not enough space for the wisdom tooth to come through into a beneficial position, then it could be removed. If the wisdom teeth are decayed in any way as they have only come part through and have been difficult to clean, then they will more than likely be removed.
It depends on how difficult it was to remove the wisdom teeth as to how much discomfort you may feel. We may have been able to perform a simple extraction where a local anaesthetic can be used and the tooth can be pulled out easily without touching the surrounding gums. In some cases, we may need to do a surgical extraction to help the tooth out. We always make the treatment as comfortable as possible and have sedation available if required for more nervous patients.
After having your wisdom teeth removed there will usually be some swelling and slight pain for at least a few days afterwards. Try to keep the area clean by rinsing with warm, salty water. You can also eat on the opposite side of the mouth and opt for softer foods, to promote faster healing in the mouth. Also, try to avoid smoking or using straws as these can dislodge the clot that forms in the hole after extraction. Mouthwashes can sometimes be used to help with the healing, and normal painkillers, such as paracetamol and ibuprofen will usually keep any pain at bay.