Recent events may have seen some of us examining our appearance and wondering how we could improve it as things slowly move back to some sort of normality. Hair style?, new clothes? And maybe even having our teeth whitened?
All of these can be done relatively quickly and without too much difficulty.
The same can’t be said about those crooked teeth though. The more we look at them the more annoying and crooked they appear to be. Unlike other improvements, there really isn’t a ‘quick fix’ to correct this problem. Teeth have to be moved back into position very gently so that they are not damaged, and, as we know, this means having to wear dental braces!
Many of you are probably stuck with an image of children who had mouthfuls of metal braces when you were at school. We all know that some of these children suffered from bullying because of it too. Although, as adults, we don’t expect that to happen, there is little doubt that we would feel quite self conscious if we had to wear braces like that in our daily working lives. Thanks to advances in cosmetic dental treatments that are available at the Sync Dental Centres, you no longer have to.
Although it is true that you will need orthodontic treatment to straighten your teeth, they no longer have to be the highly visible sort that many of us know and hate. Indeed, even the faster acting ‘cosmetic’ braces that use the wire and brackets system do so using tooth coloured materials that render them much less visible.
Where teeth need significant correction to re-align them, there is a different method altogether which is available and which offers even better discretion as well as being much more convenient. We are, of course, talking about Invisalign.
This increasingly popular teeth straightening system offers patients a great way to have straighter teeth with the minimum of fuss and visibility. The use of wires and brackets is abandoned entirely and the orthodontics take the form of a series of transparent plastic ‘trays’ which are fitted over your teeth.
In order to make sure that these are comfortable, the trays are individually designed from impressions and 3D scans that are taken of your teeth. The number of trays produced may depend on how crooked your teeth are and the degree of re-alignment needed to give you an even smile.
The most obvious one, of course, is their lack of visibility. The trays are made from a thin but strong transparent medical grade plastic. This means that when you are wearing them, they are almost invisible. Those close to you may be able to detect them but the vast majority of people won’t.
We have had a few people who expressed concern even about the ‘close up’ visibility factor. This has tended to be people whose work involves close ups of their face; for example a TV presenter or a makeup model. The good news for these people is that, for short periods of time, such as to do this type of work, the trays can be easily removed by the wearer and returned afterwards. You should be aware that doing this too often may mean that the treatment time is a little longer, but this does offer a workable solution for those who need it.
The fact that the trays can be removed also means that you can do this when you are eating and for cleaning your teeth. The potential embarrassment of getting food trapped in your braces is eliminated as is any possible restriction on your choice of food that may be the case with metal braces.
The ease of removal also means that you can brush and floss your teeth easily too. This means that your teeth should remain healthy and clean as well as being straight. You will also need to make sure the trays are clean before returning them to your mouth afterwards, as there is little point in cleaning your teeth then returning your aligners if they have sugars coated on the inside. We will provide full information regarding their cleaning.
In all likelihood, the main reason that you want your teeth straightening is for aesthetic reasons, However, a straight and even smile can always be improved further by being whiter. Our Addlestone patients will be delighted to know that following your Invisalign treatment, when your teeth are nice and straight, we are also offering a free boutique teeth whitening treatment to patients who opt to have Invisalign treatment with us.
If you have considered having your teeth straightened, why not contact us to arrange a free initial consultation to see how we can help you? You can call our friendly reception team on 01932 856541.